只從風水角度出發, 儘量唔好選上面吊櫃下面床, 因為據賞澄看風水的經驗, 即使由床頭做到床尾, 好多傢具店都係做入面半邊床吊櫃, 容易變成"自製"橫樑壓頂, "氣"的流通不平均, 瞓得多對健康唔好, 如果間房本身有病星或流年有病星, 或者本身命格體質差就好易病, 如本身金弱易有呼吸氣管問題等等.
This entry was posted
on 星期二, 四月 6th, 2010 at 11:37 上午 and is filed under 風水.
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